Engage Locally

On the ground, companies face unique challenges to operating responsibly and have different opportunities to make a positive impact. Companies with operations and supply chains extending around the world need to understand locations far from headquarters and view sustainability through a local lens.

Our Global Compact Country Networks advance the initiative and its Ten Principles at the country level. They help companies understand what responsible business means within different national, cultural and language contexts and facilitate outreach, learning, policy dialogue, collective action and partnerships. Through our networks, companies can make local connections – with other businesses and stakeholders from NGOs, government and academia – and receive guidance to put their sustainability commitments into action.

While Country Networks are independent, self-governed and self-managed entities, they work closely with the UN Global Compact in New York and act as a point of contact for UN Global Compact signatories in a country.

Country Networks and the Sustainable Development Goals

Responsible business has a vital role to play in the success of the Decade of Action. The private sector can contribute to the mainstreaming of the SDGs at the local level through its Country Network by:

  1. Participating in Global Compact Network multi-stakeholder convenings including policy dialogues
  2. Participating in Global Compact Network Working Groups, joining dedicated passionate professionals aimed at developing local solutions
  3. Promoting and incorporating accountability measures to report on progress made towards implementing the SDGs within companies

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