Hosted by the UN Global Compact, together with UN Environment, and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the meeting will bring together senior executives of business, industry, finance, civil society, the United Nations and Government to help drive immediate cuts to carbon emissions and act decisively to avert a climate catastrophe. The gathering aims to bring forward a strong business message of climate ambition and help to scale and speed climate finance.
The high-level meeting will introduce the first Global Standard for Net-Zero Business and draw on the achievements of how credible science-based targets are contributing to halving global emissions by 2030 to help raise the ambition of country contributions in order to maintain a habitable planet for humankind. Secondly, the meeting seeks to mobilize further efforts for rapid financial, technological and social transformation at scale to keep a 1.5°C future within reach and enable Financing a Just Transition of all sectors.
The meeting is by invitation only.