Monday, 25 November, 15.00 –16.20 in Conference Room XIX: “Do companies prefer State action or inaction when it comes to promoting business respect for human rights? Stories from the frontline of businesses calling for action.” The session will showcase practical examples to explore why business sees value in pushing for regulatory and policy reform as well as effective reform methods. The session will include up to four companies from different geographical regions explaining why they chose to actively support a policy or regulatory change and how they did so, including some of the challenges and opportunities encountered. It will also include commentary from a Government representative, a business association and civil society organization on the pros and cons of business pushing for change, including what advocacy might mean for multi-stakeholder engagement. Please see here for further details and speakers
Monday, 25 November, 18.30–21.00, Space Gobelin, ILO Headquarters: “Business-only Networking Event.” This is an opportunity to meet and network informally with colleagues from the international business community, discuss key topics from the UN Forum and the latest practical, legal and policy developments, and exchange ideas on putting respect for human rights into practice. Light refreshments will be provided. Please register here by 21 November.
Tuesday, 26 November, 16.40 –18.00 in Conference Room XIX: "Corrupting the Human Rights Agenda: how business can leverage anti-corruption practices to advance respect for human rights.” This session will explore how we can build on practical, positive and promising examples from the business community that have contributed to the prevention of corruption and human rights violations. The UN Global Compact and Alliance for Integrity seek to demonstrate the direct relation between corruption and the violation of human rights within the private and public sectors; good practices on how companies are reducing risks related to human rights and corruption through the implementation of meaningful and robust efforts, programmes, and due diligence processes, as well as the importance of the joint work of these initiatives in order to train, inform and highlight good practices of the private sector in this area. Please see here for further details and speakers.
Tuesday, 26 November, 18.30 –20.00 at the International Geneva Welcome Center (CAGI): Cocktail reception "Let's Talk: Public-Private Sector Dialogue" organized by the UN Global Compact, the Permanent Mission of Germany to the UN, and PeaceNexus. Please register here.
Wednesday, 27 November, 10.00 –13.00: Hear about lessons learned, challenges and innovative practices from Global Compact Local Networks in Regional Dialogues. Please see programme overview here”
Wednesday, 27 November, 12.00 –17.00 at WIPO: “Business for Peace: Bridging the Gap with Human Rights.” Please see here more details.