SDG Integration

It is currently estimated that the world is 62 years behind schedule to meet the 2030 Agenda. While awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals is at an all-time high among business, few companies report that they are positioning sustainability and the SDGs at the center of their business strategy and most goal setting is not aligned to societal and environmental needs.

To address these challenges, the UN Global Compact must challenge business to:

  • Take a Principles-based approach to the SDGs
  • Set ambitious goals to meet or exceed the vision of the 2030 Agenda
  • Integrate action on the SDGs deeply into core business practice
  • Scale actions across supply and value chains

Our Work

The Sustainable Development Goals provide a powerful aspiration for improving our world – laying out where we collectively need to go. The UN Global Compact supports companies how to get there – by taking a Principles-based approach which ensures that business actions are in accordance with the Ten Principles of the Global Compact and their universal standards of conduct.

Companies can take ambitious action on the SDGs by engaging with us:

  • Explore UN Global Compact Academy offerings designed for professionals at all levels to learn how to make meaningful and long-lasting contributions to the Global Goals in their business.
  • Join the SDG Ambition Accelerator – a six-month program that aims to challenge and support companies in setting ambitious corporate targets and accelerating integration of the 17 Global Goals into core business management.
  • Take part in the Young SDG Innovators Programme –a ten-month accelerator that provides an opportunity for companies to identify young talent within their organizations to collaborate and accelerate business innovation towards the SDGs.

Our Impact

A majority of our participating companies — 84 per cent — report taking specific action to advance the Sustainable Development Goals. Most companies report taking action towards Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being, Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production and Goal 13: Climate Action. Moreover, participants recognize the business potential of the SDGs, with 61 per cent developing products and/or services that contribute to them.

Ways to Engage



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