Target Gender Equality – Case Study

Quick facts: BIOAZUL SL – Spain – Water Engineering – 14 employees

Target: To implement a gender monitoring system to track all the aspects related to gender equality in our company, so that we can measure and evaluate our progress.

Date Set: 2021

BIOAZUL has already taken the WEPs Gender Gap Analysis Tool – which helped us to identify the parameters and aspects that should be monitored to detect any inequality and to better implement and monitor upcoming actions. Our participation in the Target Gender Equality programme has served as a starting point to identify, document, and review our current actions regarding equality between men and women, and we learnt new ways of making progress on this matter.

What is driving your company’s ambition to advance gender equality?

Our goal is to have working conditions that prevents all kinds of discriminations including gender. We understand that a balanced team of women and men is a motivated, diverse team that complements each other well which can translate into a better work environment and greater productivity. For this reason, we believe it is very important to continue striving and implementing different measures that help us overcome the gender barriers that exist in our sector and work so that future generations can grow up without gender stereotypes that limit their professional and personal development.

What is one concrete action your company is taking to reach your target and help move the needle on women’s representation and leadership?

BIOAZUL has already signed the contract to the service provider that will support us in the development and implementation of a Gender Equality Plan. We will be monitoring our progress we make in line with the actions proposed in our Gender Equality Plan during the next years.

What is one lesson or pitfall to avoid that other companies could learn from?

Even though gender equality has been in the company strategy from the very beginning, we have not implemented any systematic methodology to properly monitor the company’s actions taken on this matter. This has prevented us to identify improvements and develop an action plan.

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