Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
This guide aims to help companies set effective site water targets that are informed by catchment context, which can create value and lessen risks for the company and support collective action. This guide is intended for site staff or technical water specialists responsible for water management, and relevant corporate staff. This guide lays out three key elements for setting effective site water targets: Water targets should respond to priority water challenges within the catchment; The ambition of water targets should be informed by the site’s contribution to water challenges and desired conditions; and Water targets should reduce water risk, capitalize on opportunities, and contribute to public sector priorities. This case of the Santa Ana RIver Watershed illustrates how the guidance was applied by a group of companies in that watershed.
Outlines a three-step process to embed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into existing business and reporting processes. It helps business to better report their impact on the SDGs and address the information needs of relevant stakeholders. This Guide follows an approach that is aligned with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the GRI Standards. Translations of this publication are available in several languages.
Serves to demonstrate how Global Compact Local Networks can help accelerate action and collaboration to close the gaps between where we currently are and where we need to be by 2030. This report contains examples from more than 30 Local Networks around the world driving business engagement on the Sustainable Development Goals through five primary activities.
This was first webinar where we provided an overview of our “2020 Vision” and heard from engaged stakeholders on the importance of peace, justice and strong institutions to sustainable business – not only as the foundation for business responsibilities but also for business success.
Provides an assessment of how companies in the UN Global Compact are adopting the Ten Principles and taking action to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals. Based on data collected in the UN Global Compact annual survey and other sources, the report takes stock of how companies are performing when it comes to integrating the Ten Principles into their strategies and operations. The report also offers a review of current progress on each of the Global Goals and considers impact measurement opportunities.
Serves to demonstrate how Global Compact Local Networks can help accelerate action and collaboration to close the gaps between where we currently are and where we need to be by 2030. This report contains examples from more than 30 Local Networks around the world driving business engagement on the Sustainable Development Goals through five primary activities.
Breakthrough innovation has the potential to accelerate and scale up solutions to addressing decent work deficits. This webinar is the first session in a thought leadership webinar series as part of the Action Platform on Decent Work in Global Supply Chains. It explores how technology can advance decent work in global supply chains, specifically focusing on the potential of blockchains. Experts from the UN Global Compact, International Labour Organisation, SAP Ariba, Eachmile Technologies and Sourcemap discuss how blockchains are already used to advance decent work in global supply chains and explore the potential blockchain technology has to help improve the live of workers and their families.
As an easy-to-access and use tool, it offers business the ability to explore, assess, value and respond to water risk and identify contextually appropriate solutions to advance SDG6 in particular.
Helps businesses to learn more about the UN Global Compact Collection Action Project in partnership with five Global Compact Local Networks in Brazil, Japan, Kenya, Nigeria and Egypt, improve anti-corruption practices within their individual organizations and to engage other businesses, Governments and civil society in anti-corruption Collective Action.
This report explores how businesses can enhance their resilience to the impacts of climate change on their supply chains and improve their supply chain management in the process.
This report assesses and consolidates the best available knowledge to present an accessible and actionable framework for private-sector leadership on climate change resilience.
In this year’s Special Edition of the UN Global Compact-Accenture Strategy CEO Study, the world’s largest program of CEO research on sustainability, we focus our attention on transforming partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Following a decade of research into the views of business leaders worldwide, we examine the views of UN leaders. As the UN Secretary-General calls for enhanced cooperation between the United Nations and the private sector, we ask agency heads and partnership practitioners across the UN system: what will it take to scale up partnerships to bring about transformational impact on the SDGs?