The only way the SDGs can be achieved is through actions in local communities and countries around the world. The potential for Global Compact Local Networks to lead the way is unprecedented.
Our Local Network SDG Action Plan is a multi-year strategic implementation programme for Local Networks as we jointly embark on this 15-year agenda.
Phase 1 of the Action Plan was launched in early 2016, featuring the Local SDG Pioneers programme and a toolkit to support networks in conducting SDG Kick-start Workshops to raise awareness in their countries. These workshops aim to help identify local priorities and opportunities related to the SDGs, and shine a light on the new faces and businesses behind sustainable development in the local market.
A second phase of the Local Network SDG Action Plan was launched at the 2016 Leaders Summit in June. Phase 2 expands on Phase 1 and focuses on how Local Networks can engage key stakeholders to collaboratively shape the local SDG agenda, set a strategy and take action to implement it. We present two clear pathways for action: developing partnerships and engaging in public policy dialogue, including around national action plans.
Because Phase 2 of the Action Plan is derived from the Bottom-Up Approach that some networks have begun implementing, care has been taken to align the two sets of material so that results already produced can be integrated into Phase 2.