Prepare and submit your COE

To assist you in developing your COE, below are key tools and guidance. Importantly, your COE must be submitted online before your deadline in order to fulfil your reporting commitment. More information about the online submission process and deadlines is below.

How to Prepare a COE

1. Know your deadline

Your organization has your own unique deadline based on the date you joined the UN Global Compact or your previous COE submission. It is displayed on your organization’s public profile. Search for your profile.

New participants must submit their first COE two years after joining the initiative. Existing participants are required to submit their COEs two years after the last submission. For example, if the last submission took place on 6 April 2016, the next COE will be due on 6 April 2018. Participants that joined before 31 October 2013 are required to submit their first COE on or before 31 October 2015. Please note that all COEs are due at 23:00 UTC on the designated date.