Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Illustrates the philosophical and practical connections between the UN Global Compact Ten Principles and the Sustainable Development Goals. This white paper draws an important philosophical line in the sand in relation to the crucial importance of principles, especially the UN Global Compact Ten Principles. We welcome your input.
Aims to offer companies a ‘must-read’ foundational guide on how to implement respect for human rights in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights. This guide goes beyond the theoretical explanation of the Guiding Principles and explores them in practice through the real-life experiences of companies and their stakeholders in diverse and complex situations. This publication is the product of a multi-year collaboration between companies, civil society and issue experts.
Investors are increasingly looking at ESG factors to minimize risks and help identify business opportunities. Join the discussion between a LEAD company and the Principles for Responsible Investment on the value of ESG considerations. During the discussion 2 key resources will be highlighted; the recently launched PRI guide '"Practical Guide to ESG integration for Equity Investment" aimed to help investors on how to use ESG data, and the Value Driver Model tool which utilizes key business metrics to determine the return on investment of corporate sustainability activities.
Examines how institutional investors across the world are beginning to interact with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and paint an early picture of investors’ current and future plans to engage with these Goals. The study also identifies barriers investors face to supporting the SDGs, and provides recommendations for how these could be overcome.
Finds that fiduciary duty is not an obstacle to asset owner action on ESG factors. This report looks at fiduciary duty across eight markets (US, Canada, UK, Germany, Brazil, Australia, Japan and South Africa) through a series of events, interviews, case studies and a legal review.
Highlights the linkages between human rights and anti-corruption compliance and how companies can benefit from integrating these considerations in their compliance programs. Adverse human rights impacts and corruption pose similar risks to companies, including the danger of reputational and financial exposure. Effectively managing these risks presents companies with common challenges such as detecting misconduct in the business organization and supply chains, and necessitates due diligence on business partners such as contracted agents and suppliers. Indeed successful implementation of human rights and anti-corruption compliance can contribute to corporate sustainability and profitability.
Helps investors understand the sustainable development goals and how financial markets can support sustainable development. The report is intended to allow investors to learn, engage and collaborate on sustainable development goal focused activities in order to promote long-term sustainability.
Guides investors - both asset owners and investment managers - who are implementing ESG integration techniques in their investment process, this report is the most comprehensive description to date of what ESG-integrated analysis is, and how it works in practice.
A tool for investors who are engaging companies on supply chain labour issues. It draws together the business case for investors to engage on this topic, results and lessons learned from the 2013-2015 PRI-coordinated engagement on supply chain labour standards in agriculture, and points to a series of investor expectations and useful resources that can be used to guide and support engagement with companies.
Showcases industry-specific examples and ideas for corporate action related to the SDGs. Presented in a series of publications, each matrix will highlight bold pursuits and decisions made by diverse companies for each SDG.
Explains the importance of integrating human rights considerations into M&A processes and provides guidance on how companies can do so. The webinar will also features reflections from two companies on their lessons learned.
Showcases industry-specific examples and ideas for corporate action related to the SDGs. Presented in a series of publications, each matrix will highlight bold pursuits and decisions made by diverse companies for each SDG.