Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Highlights the benefits for businesses of implementing adaptation activities that contribute to increasing societal resilience and attaining the SDGs. The report shares lessons learned and provides actionable guidance for both the public and private sector.
Integrating human rights considerations into corporate crisis management is one way that companies can seek to identify, prevent and address adverse impacts. Some companies are broadening their crisis management policies and procedures to explicitly address adverse human rights impacts, consistent with the UN Global Compact Principles and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This Good Practice Note identifies five good practices for integrating human rights considerations into crisis planning, the first phase of effective crisis management. Note: Human rights considerations during the subsequent phases of crisis response and recovery are beyond the scope of this note.
Provides guidance on how to initiate and implement anti-corruption collective action initiatives while showcasing various examples from collective action projects worldwide.
Explores how sustainability pressures are transforming the ways we all work, live, and compete. As a part of the annual study by MIT Sloan Management Review's Sustainability & Innovation project, the 2014 research focused on the critical role of sustainability collaborations that address systemic issues, and on the role of the board of directors in guiding their companies’ sustainability efforts. As a whole, the study finds progress in companies making the fundamental shift in how they organize themselves and how their boards of directors act to address the profound challenges and risks that issues of sustainability present. But it also indicates that many business leaders have some distance to go to understand that the path to sustainability success is best traveled with others.
Identifying the importance of gender equality to the business case, companies around the world have taken steps to advance and empower women.
Provides instruction on how businesses can develop and implement a human rights policy within their companies. The second edition of How to Develop a Human Rights Policy was designed by Human Rights and Labour Working Group member Ernst & Young - Japan.
Contains implementation guidance to help companies report on their human rights performance in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights.
Sets out a simple and thorough process for any company, but particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, to get started with identifying its potential human rights impacts on those people directly affected by its activities, and those whose lives it touches through its relationships with suppliers or other parties. It provides tools and approaches to understand what the business already does to address these impacts, and where it can improve.
Over the past few years, human rights have taken an increasingly prominent place in supply chain management. This Good Practice Note provides guidance on how to identify, prioritize, and respect supply chain human rights risks in a way that aligns with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Sometimes effective prioritization is needed when companies face a host of potential adverse human rights impacts to which they cannot respond simultaneously.
Illustrates how companies can implement the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact throughout their supply chains and integrate sustainability into procurement strategies. In 2015, the guide was revised to ensure the inclusion of and alignment with relevant standards and initiatives, and also to reflect current and emerging trends within this area. It includes several updated and new company examples. The second edition is available in English. The original Guide, launched in 2010, is available below in the indicated languages.
The time is right for companies around the world to demonstrate leadership on climate action by aligning corporate voluntary greenhouse gas reduction targets with climate science. Leading companies are taking action to mitigate climate-related risks and capture the economic opportunities from a low-carbon transition. This executive brochure captures why and how your company can align with science based targets.
An interactive online platform designed to match business and UN in order to facilitate action to advance UN goals and the SDGs.