Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Guides companies around the world to better understand and address human rights impacts in their operations and supply chains. Users can access in-depth analysis of key human rights issues, due diligence recommendations, as well as case studies illustrating how other businesses have responsibly addressed human rights impacts.
Celebrates the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and builds upon the UN Global Compact Progress Report. The report highlights insight and initiatives by Global Compact Local Networks around the world, presents snapshots of good practice from companies participating in the UN Global Compact and showcases initiatives that are advancing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Aims to explain the meaning of universally recognized human rights in a way that makes sense to business. It will also illustrate, through the use of real-world examples, how human rights apply in a business context.
This summary table highlights the human rights dimension of each Sustainable Development Goal, by indicating the relevant international human rights instrument that applies.
As global demand for food, fuel, forest, minerals and other products rises, more businesses are investing – and will continue to invest – in land. While potentially profitable and socially beneficial, these investments may involve substantial financial, legal, operational and reputational risks (including land tenure risk, the risk associated with acquiring rights to land). This webinar explored responsible business practices in regard to lands rights involving non-indigenous communities.
Learn about how companies in the UN Global Compact are taking action to advance corporate sustainability around the world.
Learn about how companies in the UN Global Compact are taking action to advance corporate sustainability around the world.
Provides instruction on how businesses can develop and implement a human rights policy within their companies. The second edition of How to Develop a Human Rights Policy was designed by Human Rights and Labour Working Group member Ernst & Young - Japan.
Integrating human rights considerations into corporate crisis management is one way that companies can seek to identify, prevent and address adverse impacts. Some companies are broadening their crisis management policies and procedures to explicitly address adverse human rights impacts, consistent with the UN Global Compact Principles and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This Good Practice Note identifies five good practices for integrating human rights considerations into crisis planning, the first phase of effective crisis management. Note: Human rights considerations during the subsequent phases of crisis response and recovery are beyond the scope of this note.
PRI in conjunction with the PRI Investor Steering Committee on Human Rights identified a list of 50 large global extractive companies considered to be particularly exposed to human rights risks. Drawing from these company examples, this guidance explores best practices and challenges in implementing the UN Guiding Principles in extractive industries, and identifies six areas for investor engagement. The guidance also provides useful case studies, questions for engagement and resources for each of the six areas outlined.
Contains implementation guidance to help companies report on their human rights performance in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights.
An assessment tool that enables companies and civil society partners to understand corporate impacts on multi-dimensional poverty. As a tool to help implement the SDGs, the Poverty Footprint provides a comprehensive overview of factors that influence poverty, and it emphasizes stakeholder engagement and partnership between companies and civil society as a means for establishing pro-poor business strategies.