2021 Call for Nominations

Nominations have been closed.

About the UN Global Compact Board

The UN Global Compact Board, appointed and chaired by the United Nations Secretary-General, is designed as a multi-stakeholder body that provides on-going strategic and policy advice to the Secretary-General and the Global Compact Office. The Board has 26 seats that represent all key partners and participants of the UN Global Compact, including business, civil society, labour, Local Networks, Governments and UN partners with the majority of seats going to business.

The UN Global Compact Board holds formal meetings twice annually. Outside of meetings, Board Members are expected to serve as champions willing and able to actively advance the UN Global Compact’s mission to mobilize a global movement of responsible companies and stakeholders to create the world we want.

The UN Global Compact is committed to gender parity on its Board and encourages the submission of female candidates. To achieve a diverse Board, geographic distribution will also be sought to represent the broad spectrum of participants within the UN Global Compact.

Please refer to the UNGC Board Member Terms of Reference for additional information on the eligibility criteria for, and expectations of, Board Membership.

Process & Timeline

To submit a nomination, please send the candidate’s name, title & organization, country, if their company is a participant of the UN Global Compact, a short biography, and contact information in a PDF format to boardrelations@unglobalcompact.org.

The UN Global Compact Board nomination process will be conducted according to the following timeline:

  • 2 July - 15 July: Open call for nominations 
  • 16 July - 29 July: Due diligence process
  • 30 July: Submit official Board Member Recommendations list to UN Secretary-General
  • 30 Aug: Board Member appointment finalized and communicated


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