Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Intesa Sanpaolo Company Finance and credit services Italy 24-Apr-2003
Groupe BPCE Company Banks France 22-Apr-2003
Coface Company Finance and credit services France 22-Apr-2003
Havas Company Media France 22-Apr-2003
Hermes International SCA Company General Industrials France 22-Apr-2003
Saint-Gobain Company Construction & Materials France 22-Apr-2003
Pernod Ricard Company Beverages France 11-Apr-2003
Rothschild & Cie Banque Company Finance and credit services France 11-Apr-2003
Luen Thai Holdings Ltd. Company Personal Goods China 09-Apr-2003
Credit Agricole S.A. Company Finance and credit services France 03-Apr-2003