Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Sofiyska Voda AD Company Gas, Water & Multiutilities Bulgaria 27-Feb-2003
Usinor S.A. - Groupe ARCELOR Company Industrial metals and mining France 27-Feb-2003
PricewaterhouseCoopers France Company Finance and credit services France 23-Feb-2003
UniCredit Bulbank AD Company Banks Bulgaria 14-Feb-2003
TNT Express Company Industrial Transportation Netherlands 10-Feb-2003
EFMD Academic Not Applicable Belgium 09-Feb-2003
African Travel Management Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Travel & Leisure Cameroon 07-Feb-2003
Horizon Graphic Small or Medium-sized Enterprise General Industrials Cameroon 07-Feb-2003
Oceans Ogilay Cameroun Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Media Cameroon 07-Feb-2003
Worldwide Express Services Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Retailers Cameroon 07-Feb-2003
Danish Institute for Human Rights Public Sector Organization Not Applicable Denmark 06-Feb-2003
Foundation for Business and Society Foundation Not Applicable Norway 06-Feb-2003