Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Fundacion del Empresariado Chihuahuense, A.C. - FECHAC Foundation Not Applicable Mexico 06-Feb-2003
International Business Leaders Forum - IBLF NGO Global Not Applicable United Kingdom 06-Feb-2003
The Copenhagen Centre NGO Global Not Applicable Denmark 06-Feb-2003
Anflo International Small or Medium-sized Enterprise General Industrials Cameroon 04-Feb-2003
Aroma AD Company Household Goods & Home Construction Bulgaria 04-Feb-2003
Curtis/Balkan EOOD Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Technology Hardware & Equipment Bulgaria 04-Feb-2003
Demax Plc Company General Industrials Bulgaria 04-Feb-2003
M3 Communications Group, Inc. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Media Bulgaria 04-Feb-2003
Pain D'Or Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Food Producers Bulgaria 04-Feb-2003
TNT Bulgaria Ltd Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Transportation Bulgaria 04-Feb-2003
Vidima YSC Company Household Goods & Home Construction Bulgaria 04-Feb-2003
Global Credit Organisation Limited Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Finance and credit services China 03-Feb-2003