Name Type Sector Country Joined On
ECCA Nepal NGO Local Not Applicable Nepal 18-Aug-2008
C.F. Moller Architects Company Construction & Materials Denmark 13-Aug-2008
Mother Child Education Foundation NGO Local Not Applicable Türkiye 11-Aug-2008
New World Hope Organization NGO Global Not Applicable Pakistan 11-Aug-2008
Abreu Advogados Company Industrial Support Services Portugal 07-Aug-2008
CAMPOSOL S.A. Company Food Producers Peru 07-Aug-2008
Delta Holding Company Food Producers Serbia 07-Aug-2008
National Bank of Serbia Public Sector Organization Not Applicable Serbia 07-Aug-2008
T.E.I.M. bluegr Company Diversified Greece 05-Aug-2008
Open Joint -Stock Company 'Byelorussian Steel Works-management company of "Byelorussian Metallurgical Company" holding' Company General Industrials Belarus 05-Aug-2008
Hindustan Construction Company Ltd (HCC) Company Construction & Materials India 01-Aug-2008
Austrian Development Agency Public Sector Organization Not Applicable Austria 28-Jul-2008