Name Type Sector Country Joined On
VERTMONDE CIA.LTDA. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Electricity Ecuador 19-Sep-2018
Flyingcam Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Technology Hardware & Equipment Lebanon 19-Sep-2018
Aica Kogyo Company, Limited Company Chemicals Japan 19-Sep-2018
ASEPEYO, Mutua colaboradora con la Seguridad Social, numero 151 Business Association Local Not Applicable Spain 18-Sep-2018
Shandz Company for Electrical and Construction Contracting Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Electricity Iraq 18-Sep-2018
CPSL Language Services Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Spain 18-Sep-2018
Arka Merchants Ltd Company Industrial materials Ireland 18-Sep-2018
FMA Francisco Mosquera Aulestia Cia. Ltda Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Finance and credit services Ecuador 18-Sep-2018
Uponor Corporation Company Construction & Materials Finland 18-Sep-2018
BDO LLP Company Finance and credit services United Kingdom 18-Sep-2018
Asociacion Ecuatoriana de Productos Cosmeticos, de Higiene Domestica y Absorventes- Procosmeticos NGO Local Not Applicable Ecuador 14-Sep-2018
Asociacion TIERRANUESTRA Foundation Not Applicable Paraguay 14-Sep-2018