Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Oy Telpak Ab Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Finland 09-May-2022
SOK Corporation Company Retailers Finland 09-May-2022
Heino Group Ltd Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Finland 25-Apr-2022
Paptic Ltd Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial materials Finland 25-Apr-2022
Riverrecycle Oy Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Gas, Water & Multiutilities Finland 05-Apr-2022
Faros & Com Oy Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Finland 05-Apr-2022
Turvanasta Oy Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Automobiles & Parts Finland 07-Mar-2022
Mehiläinen Group Oy Company Medical equipment and services; Health care providers Finland 07-Mar-2022
RELEX Solutions Company Software & Computer Services Finland 07-Mar-2022
Un Association of Finland NGO Local Not Applicable Finland 15-Dec-2021
I&O Partners Attorneys Ltd Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified Finland 06-Dec-2021
Spinnova Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Technology Hardware & Equipment Finland 06-Dec-2021