Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Provides instruction on how businesses can develop and implement a human rights policy within their companies. The second edition of How to Develop a Human Rights Policy was designed by Human Rights and Labour Working Group member Ernst & Young - Japan.
Explores how sustainability pressures are transforming the ways we all work, live, and compete. As a part of the annual study by MIT Sloan Management Review's Sustainability & Innovation project, the 2014 research focused on the critical role of sustainability collaborations that address systemic issues, and on the role of the board of directors in guiding their companies’ sustainability efforts. As a whole, the study finds progress in companies making the fundamental shift in how they organize themselves and how their boards of directors act to address the profound challenges and risks that issues of sustainability present. But it also indicates that many business leaders have some distance to go to understand that the path to sustainability success is best traveled with others.
Identifying the importance of gender equality to the business case, companies around the world have taken steps to advance and empower women.
Guides the hundreds of individuals who are now completing due diligence on carbon pricing of behalf of their companies. It has been shaped by input from dozens of such companies, as well as other experts who are implementing carbon pricing programmes within companies and/or advocating for government policies in countries around the world. Experiences and insights from others will help more companies become Carbon Pricing Champions and align with the Business Leadership Criteria on Carbon Pricing set by Caring for Climate and partners.
A compilation of good practices gathered from online searches or submitted by UN Global Compact participants in response to our call to share actions and initiatives that their companies are undertaking to respect and support children’s rights.
Provides guidance on how businesses and business schools can collaborate to co-create solutions for sustainability challenges. The toolkit and brochure feature inspiring examples of partnerships, categorized under five themes: influencing, training, collaborating, researching and consulting.
Recommends good practices for developing water stewardship initiatives in an inclusive and transparent manner that ensures sustainable water management. The guide was developed by the Global Compact, Water Integrity Network (WIN), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Water Witness International, Partnerships in Practice and Pegasys, and includes an interactive online tool.
Provides an overview of how developing gender inclusive climate strategies can help businesses strengthen resilience and uncover new opportunities.
PRI in conjunction with the PRI Investor Steering Committee on Human Rights identified a list of 50 large global extractive companies considered to be particularly exposed to human rights risks. Drawing from these company examples, this guidance explores best practices and challenges in implementing the UN Guiding Principles in extractive industries, and identifies six areas for investor engagement. The guidance also provides useful case studies, questions for engagement and resources for each of the six areas outlined.
This paper explores the linkages between gender equality, corporate sustainability and sustainable development, and provides concrete examples of how companies are placing women's empowerment at the heart of croporate sustainability initiatives to ensure that they reach their intended mark
Integrating human rights considerations into corporate crisis management is one way that companies can seek to identify, prevent and address adverse impacts. Some companies are broadening their crisis management policies and procedures to explicitly address adverse human rights impacts, consistent with the UN Global Compact Principles and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This Good Practice Note identifies five good practices for integrating human rights considerations into crisis planning, the first phase of effective crisis management. Note: Human rights considerations during the subsequent phases of crisis response and recovery are beyond the scope of this note.
Jointly hosted by the UN Global Compact and the Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice, this webinar will examined the human dimensions of climate change. The webinar explored how climate change undermines human rights, including the right to adequate food, water and health, as well as the disproportionate impact climate change has on vulnerable groups such as women and children. This webinar provides an opportunity to discuss climate change through a human rights lens and will review various ways that business can respect human rights when taking action on climate change. (2015)