Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Addresses the opportunities companies have to generate business value; the priority actions that are common across industries; and the key enablers of success.
This publication outlines the engagement opportunities of select Global Compact Local Networks and provides organizations with the information needed to get involved in their country.
Corporations increasingly are embracing the dual challenges of maximizing profits while also promoting the protection of human rights. The latter is at the core of corporate social responsibility and it holds the promise of being good for business. Corporate strategic philanthropy plays a central role in this dual mission of profitability and responsibility. This Good Practice Note provides the context for and offers recommendations relating to each of these elements while demonstrating how corporations are using the shift from traditional philanthropy to strategic philanthropy in the most valuable and measurable way.
The responsibility to comply with all applicable local, national, regional and international laws is a central tenet of the corporate responsibility to respect human rights. Yet sometimes local or national laws pose requirements that conflict with internationally recognized human rights, thereby making it difficult or impossible for business enterprises to meet their responsibility to respect human rights. The goal of this Good Practice Note is to provide business enterprises with a non-exhaustive set of good practices for addressing situations in which local or national laws appear to conflict with internationally recognized human rights.
Serves as a step-by-step roadmap for maximizing the transformative potential of partnerships.
Reviews the recent history of such partnerships, and makes recommendations for enhancing their effectiveness and scale.
This Framework aims to motivate and guide business engagement and action in support of the Secretary-General’s Sustainable Energy for All initiative and seeks to identify where different industries can have the most significant impact.
This guide offers baseline definitions and practical steps that SMEs can take toward effective management of the social, environmental and economic impacts of supply chains.
This guide provides a framework for creating and applying social impact measurements in connection with corporate activities within the communities where companies operate.
Explores how donors can effectively support public-private collaboration in order to attract sustainable investments and foster development in the Least Developed Countries. To this end, the report takes stock of existing donor programs aimed at engaging the private sector in development activities, identifies shortcomings and promising approaches, and offers recommendations on how donor programs can attract more public-private collaboration to the Least Developed Countries.
Provides guidance for governments, employers’ organizations and trade unions on working together to achieve sustainable economic and social development.
Advances understanding of Boardroom engagement in environmental, social and governance issues and provides a roadmap for how companies can better integrate oversight of these issues into the Board agenda.