Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Highlights the benefits for businesses of implementing adaptation activities that contribute to increasing societal resilience and attaining the SDGs. The report shares lessons learned and provides actionable guidance for both the public and private sector.
Integrating human rights considerations into corporate crisis management is one way that companies can seek to identify, prevent and address adverse impacts. Some companies are broadening their crisis management policies and procedures to explicitly address adverse human rights impacts, consistent with the UN Global Compact Principles and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This Good Practice Note identifies five good practices for integrating human rights considerations into crisis planning, the first phase of effective crisis management. Note: Human rights considerations during the subsequent phases of crisis response and recovery are beyond the scope of this note.
PRI in conjunction with the PRI Investor Steering Committee on Human Rights identified a list of 50 large global extractive companies considered to be particularly exposed to human rights risks. Drawing from these company examples, this guidance explores best practices and challenges in implementing the UN Guiding Principles in extractive industries, and identifies six areas for investor engagement. The guidance also provides useful case studies, questions for engagement and resources for each of the six areas outlined.
Provides guidance on how businesses and business schools can collaborate to co-create solutions for sustainability challenges. The toolkit and brochure feature inspiring examples of partnerships, categorized under five themes: influencing, training, collaborating, researching and consulting.
Seeks to advance the discussion on how the private sector can make positive contributions to peace in conflict-affected and high-risk areas around the world and, as a result, help to the realization of SDG16. This document complements existing materials such as the UN Global Compact’s Guidance on Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas with a new perspective on deliberate contributions to peace by companies.
Identifying the importance of gender equality to the business case, companies around the world have taken steps to advance and empower women.
Provides an overview of the importance of traceability for sustainability objectives, as well as global opportunities and challenges. The guide presents practical steps for implementing traceability programmes within companies, features case studies, and maps relevant stakeholders, resources and sustainability issues related to key commodities.
International supply chains involve transportation of goods across borders, dealing with multiple and sometimes conflicting regulatory treatments and burdened by lengthy customs procedures. Co-organized with the International Road Transport Union (IRU), this webinar explores the sustainability issues relating to the logistics sector and border crossing, including corruption, environmental hazard and social hardship for the workers involved in the transportation process. The webinar also presents IRU’s initiatives to facilitate and secure road transports, with specific focus on the Transports Internationaux Routier (TIR) system.
An overview of the resource "A Guide to Traceability: A Practical Approach to Advance Sustainability in Global Supply Chains” is presented. Then webinar then explores the objectives and challenges of implementing traceability in the supply chains of the textiles sector.
An overview of the resource "A Guide to Traceability: A Practical Approach to Advance Sustainability in Global Supply Chains” is presented. Then webinar then explores the objectives and challenges of implementing traceability in the supply chains of key commodities in the food sector, (such as sugar, coffee, cocoa, as well as meat and fish) and feature a panel of commodity-specific or traceability scheme experts.
Supply chain traceability has become a key topic for companies around the globe in response to increasing regulatory pressure and consumer demand for responsibly sourced and produced goods and services. The UN Global Compact, in collaboration with BSR, is developing a practical guide to identify common challenges and solutions to tracing raw materials through complex global supply chains. This webinar explored the objectives and challenges of implementing traceability in the supply chain through a panel discussion involving industry-specific traceability systems and the companies that are using them.
In June 2014, the International Labour Organization (ILO) adopted a new Protocol on Forced Labour. As an international response to combat contemporary forms of slavery and forced labour more effectively, the Protocol creates new legal obligations to prevent forced labour, to protect victims, and to provide access to remedy. Conducted by ILO experts, this webinar provides insight into the Protocol and discusses the role of business in its implementation, including in global efforts to eliminate contemporary forms of slavery.