Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Addresses how businesses can operate responsibly in conflict-affected or fragile countries and weak governance zones to ensure that operations contribute to peace-building. Suggested best practices to help companies mitigate the risks of operating in conflict-affected environments are also explored.
Internationally-accepted frameworks now exist that define the responsibility of all companies with respect to human rights. This also extends to investors, who increasingly are looking to integrate human rights effectively and consistently into investment decision–making and corporate engagement. The webinar focuses on a new report, Investing the Rights Way: A Guide for Investors on Business and Human Rights, which aims to assist investors in evaluating human rights–related issues across their portfolios.
This webinar explores how companies can engage in sport sponsorship and hospitality in a transparent and ethical manner and aims to enhance the potential for sports to be a powerful tool to support peace, human dignity, and a culture of ethics and fair-play.
Showcases leading research from brokers and investment managers to demonstrate how investors and analysts are integrating ESG factors into fundamental equity valuation.
The ESG Investor Briefing is a joint project of the UN Global Compact and the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). The project is designed to improve company-investor communications on material environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) information. Building on the model of a quarterly financial call, companies presented how their ESG strategies and performance translate into financial value to an audience of mainstream investors.
Explores ten companies and how they deal with various human rights issues. Emphasizes the need for cohesive and sometimes over-arching corporate policies on human rights engagement. Fourth volume in the Embedding Human Rights in Business Practices series.
Presents case study examples of how companies, investors and Global Compact Local Networks have used the "Guidance on Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas: A Resource for Companies and Investors" as a tool to align their policies, to engage with investee companies and to advance the implementation of responsible business practices in difficult operating environments around the world.
Companies and investors alike have been paying increasing attention to the business case for having robust diversity and gender equality policies and practices. This webinar brings together Global Compact participants and signatories of Principles for Responsible Investment to take stock of the growth and impact of the Women's Empowerment Principles initiative to date. To highlight the investment opportunity of gender equity, Catalyst, a leading nonporfit organization working to expand opportunities for women and business, presents research that supports the business case and Pax World Investments and Calvert Investments, investment management companies, discuss how the investor community can help advance gender equality and women's empowerment by encouraging companies to embrace the WEPs.
Examines the unique nature of water challenges in conflict-affected or high-risk areas and how the management of water resources can in turn affect business operations and society – particularly through its potential to exacerbate conflict.
Lawyers are increasingly expected to raise ethical and moral—as well as legal— considerations faced by their client transnational corporations as a matter of professional responsibility. In turn, they often serve a “moral leadership” role. Leadership involves perceiving challenges and opportunities just over the horizon. This Good Practice Note aims: (1) to illustrate how transnational corporations' in- house corporate counsel are perfectly situated to propel their corporations to adopt practices that ensure respect for human rights; and (2) to encourage this positive role by concisely highlighting key lessons learned and good practices.
The ESG Investor Briefing is a joint project of the UN Global Compact and the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). The project is designed to improve company-investor communications on material environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) information. Building on the model of a quarterly financial call, companies presented how their ESG strategies and performance translate into financial value to an audience of mainstream investors.
The first comprehensive set of principles to guide companies on the full range of actions they can take in the workplace, marketplace and community to respect and support children’s rights.