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Embedding corporate sustainability goals and objectives throughout the value chain remains a significant challenge for businesses around the world from all sectors. This webinar focused on the gender dimension of responsible value chain management and highlights the specific challenges and opportunities faced by companies. Principle 5 of the Women's Empowerment Principles -- which encourages companies to implement enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices that empower women -- provides a starting point for the discussion. Company experiences, new programmes and engagement opportunities aimed at assisting companies to better apply a gender lens to their responsible value chain strategies is presented.
This tool is intended to help companies assess and improve capacity to manage their human rights impacts. The OCAI consists of a self-assessment questionnaire centered on the major elements of the corporate responsibility to respect human rights.
An extensive range of publications produced by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on a variety of topics related to human rights. The goal of OHCHR's publications programme is to increase knowledge and raise awareness about human rights and fundamental freedoms, and to publicize ways of promoting and protecting them worldwide. OHCHR publications also aim to encourage debate on human rights issues under discussion at the United Nations.
Examines how responsible businesses, as well as suppliers and partners, can ensure a living wage for employees when the host country does not have a statutory minimum wage or when it fails to provide an adequate standard of living. It also explores the issue of working hours in the context of international standards, overtime and the pressure on some labourers to work excessive hours.
Web accessibility is a precondition for all persons with disabilities to enjoy the use of the internet. Without it, producers of web-based content, products and services may involuntarily exclude millions of users from their potential audience. This webinar featured examples from companies on how they have taken steps to assure the accessibility of their content. Additionally, how web accessibility is linked to the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was reviewed. A live transcription of the webinar was provided to facilitate communication accessibility.
Explores the role of company-level grievance mechanisms, their benefits and limitations, their relationship to other means of addressing stakeholder concerns, and some key considerations when designing a mechanism to be effective in practice. Examples and perspectives from business representatives are also shared.
Addresses how responsible businesses can mitigate the risk of association with human trafficking and forced labour in their operations or supply chains. The dilemma for business is how to detect, prevent and take corrective measures against these hidden forms of exploitation. The webinar also explores suggested best practices to help companies mitigate related risks.
Addresses the relationships between businesses and the communities in which they operate, focusing specifically on the extractive industry. Business arguments for proactive and robust human rights due diligence are presented, and participants explore how even unanticipated and unintentional impacts on the rights of local people can pose risks to a company’s productivity, reputation and social license to operate in a region. Panelists shared practices taken to avoid negatively impacting the human rights of local populations and lessons learned that apply across sectors.
Provides an overview of how responsible businesses can mitigate the risks associated with human trafficking and exploitation of migrant workers in their operations and supply chains. Participants will examine situations where migrant workers form a significant part of the workforce and do not have adqueate protection from the government. Issues include violation of international standards, lack of monitoring mechanisms or human rights trainings for relevant state authorities. The webinar will also explore best practices to help multinational companies detect, prevent and take corrective measures against such hidden forms of exploitation.
A collections of videos from the 5th Annual Women's Empowerment Principles Event in New York. These videos feature panelists showcasing what UN Global Compact participants are doing to contribute to gender quality and strengthening the Women's Empowerment Principles. Closing remarks by H.E. His Excellency Mr. Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General
Internationally-accepted frameworks now exist that define the responsibility of all companies with respect to human rights. This also extends to investors, who increasingly are looking to integrate human rights effectively and consistently into investment decision–making and corporate engagement. The webinar focuses on a new report, Investing the Rights Way: A Guide for Investors on Business and Human Rights, which aims to assist investors in evaluating human rights–related issues across their portfolios.
In many countries, businesses come across human rights challenges that affect Indigenous peoples, including discrimination, child labour and forced labour, lack of voice and/or effective participation in decision making processes, lack of decent work opportunities, and recognition of their land rights. This webinar, conducted by ILO experts on indigenous peoples, discussed contributions by government, enterprises, employers’ and workers’ organizations to the realization of indigenous peoples’ rights, as enshrined in ILO Convention No. 169 on indigenous and tribal peoples.