Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Embedding corporate sustainability goals and objectives throughout the value chain remains a significant challenge for businesses around the world from all sectors. This webinar focused on the gender dimension of responsible value chain management and highlights the specific challenges and opportunities faced by companies. Principle 5 of the Women's Empowerment Principles -- which encourages companies to implement enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices that empower women -- provides a starting point for the discussion. Company experiences, new programmes and engagement opportunities aimed at assisting companies to better apply a gender lens to their responsible value chain strategies is presented.
Highlights the UN Global Compact's major activities and outputs working to implement its strategy each year. In addition, this report gives an overview of Global Compact governance and accountability measures, partners, funding sources and financial information.
Describes how National Human Rights Institutions and Global Compact Local Networks can collaborate to help businesses understand and meet their human rights responsibilities and commitments.
This webinar explores how corporate sustainability personnel can and are influencing their colleagues, playing a proactive role to help their organizations meet the corporate responsibility to respect human rights and create shared value for their business and society. The webinar features an interview with Christine Bader the author of a recently released book on an idealist working inside corporations to advance Human Rights. Additionally, corporate perspectives on winning over colleagues to the human rights agenda are featured as well as effective strategies for change from within.
Frequently, human rights impacts experienced by peoples and communities are cumulative impacts, that is, the result of the combined actions of several companies or other actors. However, these impacts may not be picked up by corporate risk assessments, or may not be viewed through a human rights lens; further, government action may be lacking. How should a responsible company identify and address its incremental contribution to a cumulative human rights impact? How can it engage with other contributors, whether other companies, government or others to mitigate remaining impact? This webinar addresses challenges and best practices in respect of cumulative human rights impacts.
One of the early questions a company must answer in meeting its corporate responsibility to respect human rights is deciding how it will organize the human rights function internally to effectively drive the process of embedding respect for human (including labor) rights. This Good Practice Note surveys a number of company experiences in organizing the human rights function internally; based on those experiences, it draws out some ‘emerging good practice guidance’ for companies, highlighting a series of questions that may help inform corporate decision-making on how best to organize the human rights function.
The right of indigenous peoples to give or withhold free, prior, and informed consent (“FPIC”) for the use of their lands, resources, traditional knowledge, or intellectual property is among the special protections for indigenous peoples. This Good Practice Note provides background on the history of FPIC, without taking a definitive viewpoint on its legal status. The Note also explores the business case for obtaining FPIC and the challenges that are likely to arise in the process; outlines current company good practices to obtain FPIC; and discusses emerging practices that not only support FPIC but also long-term benefits for affected indigenous communities.
An overview of the resource "A Guide to Traceability: A Practical Approach to Advance Sustainability in Global Supply Chains” is presented. Then webinar then explores the objectives and challenges of implementing traceability in the supply chains of key commodities in the food sector, (such as sugar, coffee, cocoa, as well as meat and fish) and feature a panel of commodity-specific or traceability scheme experts.
The Business Leadership Criteria on Carbon Pricing is designed to inspire companies to reach the next level of climate performance and to advocate for a price on carbon as a necessary and effective measure to tackle the climate change challenge. The criteria comprise three overlapping dimensions: first, setting an internal carbon price; second, responsible policy advocacy; and third, communicating on progress.
The time is right for companies around the world to demonstrate leadership on climate action by aligning corporate voluntary greenhouse gas reduction targets with climate science. Leading companies are taking action to mitigate climate-related risks and capture the economic opportunities from a low-carbon transition. This executive brochure captures why and how your company can align with science based targets.
As a result of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, businesses regardless of sector are paying greater attention to the actual and potential human rights impacts of their operations and business relationships on stakeholders. This webinar co-hosted by the UN Global Compact and the Danish Institute for Human Rights explored the various types of Human Rights Impact Assessments, including company, community and sector-based, analyzing both the impetus behind the assessments as well as lessons learned.
An overview of the resource "A Guide to Traceability: A Practical Approach to Advance Sustainability in Global Supply Chains” is presented. Then webinar then explores the objectives and challenges of implementing traceability in the supply chains of the forestry sector.