Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
A Practice Note by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) seeking to help companies increase their understanding of the issue in a number of key areas.
This report details the Global Compact's 2005 China Summit, which was held in Shanghai.
This resource developed by the ILO International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC), provides information on how to design, develop and operate child labour monitoring systems along with practical examples that will help to adapt the model to specific child labour situations.
This practice note provides guidance for companies, especially those operating in emerging markets, on how best to plan and manage significant job losses.
The report explores how partnerships with business act as a catalyst for reform and institutional innovation throughout the UN organization by infusing private sector management practices and performance-based thinking.
This report details the Global Compact and global corporate citizenship, and to produce strategic recommendations and action imperatives related to the future evolution of the initiative.
UN Global Compact Market Open Ceremony at NASDAQ MarketSite, in New York, October 2003. Introductory speeches by Bruce Aust, Executive Vice President of NASDAQ and Global Compact Executive Director, Georg Kell.
This document introduces the issue of HIV/AIDS in terms of how the health crisis impacts companies in the workplace.