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Aims to familiarize Global Compact Local Network representatives with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and provide an introduction to the National Human Rights Institutions as potential partners for advancing Human Rights at the local level. The first webinar features panelists from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Global Compact Network Germany, the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights. The second webinar includes presentations from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Global Compact Network Australia and the Australian Human Rights Commission.
Internationally-accepted frameworks now exist that define the responsibility of all companies with respect to human rights. This also extends to investors, who increasingly are looking to integrate human rights effectively and consistently into investment decision–making and corporate engagement. The webinar focuses on a new report, Investing the Rights Way: A Guide for Investors on Business and Human Rights, which aims to assist investors in evaluating human rights–related issues across their portfolios.
Explores the role of company-level grievance mechanisms, their benefits and limitations, their relationship to other means of addressing stakeholder concerns, and some key considerations when designing a mechanism to be effective in practice. Examples and perspectives from business representatives are also shared.
Helps business understand, respect, and support the rights of Indigenous peoples by illustrating how these rights are relevant to business activities.
Considered through the lens of social license methodology, panelists explored how companies can analyze operations and supplier relations to avoid contributing to negative impacts on human rights, such as child labour. Participants discussed the importance of meeting the minimum requirements to respect human rights as outlined by the Global Compact principles and the Guiding Principles and how doing so can help mitigate potential risks to a company’s reputation and bottom line. Business panelists share best practices and lessons learned about assessing human rights risks in their operations, and strategies they have used to prevent or respond to them.
Addresses how responsible businesses can ensure respect for human rights when working with public security forces. In particular, the webinar examines the reputational and legal risks posed by public security providers over which companies have limited control. The webinar provides good practice examples to help companies mitigate risks as they seek to protect their personnel and assets.
Supply chains offer a unique opportunity and means for companies to promote human rights and have a positive impact on economic development by offering economically disadvantage groups an equal opportunity to compete for business. Principle 5 of the Women's Empowerment Principles call on companies to make inclusive sourcing a key pillar in their business strategy by expanding business relationship with women-owned enterprises. This resource provides an overview of considerations for companies to source from women-owned suppliers as well as examples of steps some companies are already undertaking.
Outlines the challenges responsible businesses face in addressing the presence of child labor in their supply chains, particularly in locations where child labor is prevalent and where there is evidence that removing income-generating opportunities will push children into deeper poverty or forms of exploitation. In particular, the webinar explores suggested good practices to help multinational corporations engage in human rights due diligence to manage the risk of child labor within its supply chain as well as positively impact child labor issues as part of its responsibility to respect and promote human rights.
Co-convened by the UN Global Compact, the International Trade Centre, WEConnect International and BPW International, this webinar explores the "why" and "how" of sourcing from women-owned businesses. The Women's Empowerment Principles, in part, encourages companies to expand their business relationships with women-owned businesses and provides the foundation to explore why inclusive sourcing makes good business sense and is a key pillar of sustainable procurement.
Guides engagement by business to create education and learning opportunities for children, youth and adults. Provides a framework to help companies identify the business case and develop engagement activities in a responsible manner.
Web accessibility is a precondition for all persons with disabilities to enjoy the use of the internet. Without it, producers of web-based content, products and services may involuntarily exclude millions of users from their potential audience. This webinar featured examples from companies on how they have taken steps to assure the accessibility of their content. Additionally, how web accessibility is linked to the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was reviewed. A live transcription of the webinar was provided to facilitate communication accessibility.
Explores ten companies and how they deal with various human rights issues. Emphasizes the need for cohesive and sometimes over-arching corporate policies on human rights engagement. Fourth volume in the Embedding Human Rights in Business Practices series.