
Business Case

An overview of the business case for Anti-Corruption and how the Global Compact is supporting business efforts.


Inspire participants’ organizational learning, and support companies to develop and implement corporate sustainability strategies, operations and management practices in line with the Global Compact Ten Principles. Read more about Learning.

Learning Activities

  • Organise, moderate, speak at events/workshops/webnars raising awareness on the 10th Principle against corruption and how business can address corruption challenges.
  • Promote tools and resources that the Global Compact and its partners have developed, click here to see Anti-Corruption tools and resources.
  • Translate tools and resources, and localize content for wider dissemination
  • Collect and showcase good practice examples of how companies are implementing various aspects of Anti-Corruption
  • Convene workshops and offer support to companies on the implementation of anti-corruption efforts, including how to communicate efforts in the annual Communication on Progress, click here for the Reporting Guidance on the 10th Principle against Corruption

Learning Benefits

  • Increased awareness of the 10th Principle and business' responsibility to tackle corruption challenges
  • Increased number of LNs and companies with access to tools and resources, and deeper understanding of how to implement the 10th Principle
  • Increased number of companies reporting on the 10th Principle, and enhanced quality of corporate reporting on anti-corruption issues
  • Increased visibility of a Local Network to companies and other stakeholders with an interest in anti-corruption and transparency issues

Learning Local Examples

  • Global Compact Network Mexico hosted a forum entitled “Business Integrity: Counterpart to Combat Corruption” with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Monterrey Institute of Technology and a local Global Compact business association participant. Framed around the Incentive for Corporate Integrity and Cooperation Project, the forum gathered 70 representatives from companies and organizations interested in the implementation of the 10th principle. Results from a questionnaire conducted prior to the forum identified the need to communicate, promote and share best practices to prevent corruption in Mexico’s private sector.
  • Global Compact Network Brazil, in partnership with Instituto Ethos, organized a workshop entitled “Compliance Systems: Mitigation and Risk Prevention.” The objective of the event was to facilitate discussions around the importance of anti-corruption monitoring and control systems, particularly in light of the recent passing of the Corporate Anti-Corruption Law in 2013, which requires companies to formalize a framework of independent and autonomous compliance. Such legislation has stimulated the development and refinement of compliance systems. To ensure that participants are prepared for the new law, the workshop featured practical examples of how businesses can prevent and mitigate the risks of fraud.

Policy Dialogue

Aim to bring businesses and other stakeholders together to exchange best practices, identify new and emerging issues; promote multi-stakeholder trust and interaction; and support advocacy to policymakers. Read more about Policy Dialogue.

Policy Dialogue Activities

  • Foster dialogue between governments and the private sector around specific anti-corruption issues that are relevant and material to businesses
  • Organize events that bring companies across industries together to discuss lessons learned, challenges and opportunities in terms of advancing the anti-corruption agenda
  • Mobilize businesses in the lead up to major international events such as the Global Compact Anti-Corruption Working Group Meeting (taking place on International Anti-Corruption Day) or the Conference of State Parties to the UN Convention against Corruption, and encourage participation in these events

Policy Dialogue Benefits

  • Identification of recommendations from business to policymakers on actions that could scale up the positive impact of businesses in addressing corruption locally and nationally
  • Evidence of Local Network convening power as well as its capacity to facilitate challenging discussions around anti-corruption issues

Policy Dialogue Local Examples

  • Global Compact Network Korea and Transparency International Korea co-hosted the annual Anti-Corruption Symposium, sponsored by the British Embassy and the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (ACRC). Marked as a high-level knowledge-sharing event, various presentations were delivered by experts, academia and Government officials. Representative from the ACRC introduced Korea’s anti-corruption policies. Transparency International Korea highlighted the results of the 15th International Anti-Corruption Conference held in Brazil. The 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index was also discussed with a focus on the results in the Republic of Korea and how they have improved over the years. A British Ambassador spoke about the Bribery Act in the UK and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in the U.S., as well as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Presentations provided updates and guidance to companies in determining the required measures to approach and adapt these regulations in their local context. To engage representatives from Government, academia, and media, the Symposium also featured a panel discussion on the role of the private sector in anti-corruption.

Collective Action & Partnerships

Through partnerships, private and public actors can combine their resources, skills and expertise to enhance results and impact. With collective action multiple companies join forces to engage in identifying, developing and implementing innovative solutions to systematic challenges. Visit our website on Anti-Corruption Collective Action

Collective Action Activities

  • Organize an anti-corruption working group/roundtable for national champions by working closely with organizations such as Transparency International
  • Facilitate engagement of companies in global Anti-Corruption campaigns such as the Call to Action
  • Facilitate the launch of a local business-led campaign mobilizing companies to take action to tackle corruption issues
  • Together with anti-corruption experts, initiate and organize sectoral dialogues which bring together companies from a particular sector to take action (e.g. develop a sectoral integrity pact)

Collective Action Benefits

  • Increased awareness among companies on specific actions they can take together with governments and other stakeholders to tackle corruption
  • Enhanced capacity of Local Networks to serve as partners and resources for local businesses and stakeholders on anti-corruption issues
  • Increased cooperation of champion companies through country-specific recommendations and best practices or establishing a sectoral integrity pact

Collective Action Local Examples

  • Global Compact Network Nigeria, through the support of the Siemens Integrity Initiative, organized a number of activities on anti-corruption. Two workshops were convened, one for compliance officers in companies, non-business organizations and public sector agencies and the other for media representatives. Presentations pertained to the historical background on corruption in Nigeria and collective action strategies for accountability, highlighting the need for institutional behavior. The Nigeria Network also organized special dialogues with SMEs and the Extractive Industry, focusing on Oil and Gas Operators. To increase awareness on anti-corruption and the role of businesses in collective action, the Nigeria Network organized a roadshow, in which media houses and corporate organizations were visited. In addition, the Global Compact Network Nigeria and the Global Compact organized a country consultation on the Global Compact Guide to Sports Sponsorship and Sports Hospitality. Participants, which included major sports sponsoring companies, sports associations and the media, provided feedback on the guide.
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