Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Sigdo Koppers Company General Industrials Chile 09-Mar-2007
Yuhan-Kimberly Company Household Goods & Home Construction Korea, Republic of 08-Mar-2007
Royal Philips NV Company Medical equipment and services; Health care providers Netherlands 06-Mar-2007
Jadranski Naftovod d.d. Company Oil, gas, & coal Croatia 26-Feb-2007
INA - Industrija Nafte d.d. Zagreb Company Oil, gas, & coal Croatia 23-Feb-2007
A2 Consulting Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services France 22-Feb-2007
Korea National Railway Public Sector Organization Not Applicable Korea, Republic of 22-Feb-2007
Korea Water Resources Corporation - K-water Company Gas, Water & Multiutilities Korea, Republic of 21-Feb-2007
Korea Green Foundation NGO Local Not Applicable Korea, Republic of 16-Feb-2007
HACO Industries Limited Company Personal Goods Kenya 15-Feb-2007
APIXIT Company Technology Hardware & Equipment France 15-Feb-2007
Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) Business Association Local Not Applicable Kenya 13-Feb-2007