Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Suministros Electricos Industriales Anton-Teixido S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Electronic & Electrical Equipment Spain 20-Jan-2010
COLEGIO MAYOR DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL ROSARIO Academic Not Applicable Colombia 20-Jan-2010
Harinera del Valle S.A. Company Food Producers Colombia 18-Jan-2010
Hendrickson Poland Sp. z o.o. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Automobiles & Parts Poland 14-Jan-2010
STUF United Fund Inc. NGO Global Not Applicable United States of America 14-Jan-2010
Hexaware Technologies Company Software & Computer Services India 14-Jan-2010
GN Store Nord Company Medical equipment and services; Health care providers Denmark 14-Jan-2010
National Institute of Chemistry Academic Not Applicable Slovenia 14-Jan-2010
Rosneft Oil Company Company Oil, gas, & coal Russian Federation 14-Jan-2010
NISSEI EBLO INC. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Japan 13-Jan-2010
Emesa Prevencion S.L. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Spain 08-Jan-2010
International Peace Commission NGO Global Not Applicable United States of America 08-Jan-2010