Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Medical IMPACT NGO Global Not Applicable Mexico 16-May-2019
Nucleoelectrica Argentina S.A. Company Electricity Argentina 16-May-2019
Mandai Park Holdings Pte Ltd Company Travel & Leisure Singapore 16-May-2019
Verve Consultancy Pte Ltd Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Singapore 16-May-2019
Environmental Solutions (Asia) Pte Ltd Small or Medium-sized Enterprise General Industrials Singapore 16-May-2019
Hangzhou Guangxin Jiuyi Holding Co., Ltd. (杭州广信玖逸控股集团有限公司) Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services China 16-May-2019
Fundacion Finsocial Foundation Not Applicable Colombia 15-May-2019
Ethikos Global Sociedad Anonima Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Software & Computer Services Guatemala 15-May-2019
Slow Factory Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified United States of America 15-May-2019
Shanghai Kangduo Health Management Partnership Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Medical equipment and services; Health care providers China 14-May-2019
MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION Company Automobiles & Parts Japan 14-May-2019 Company Media China 14-May-2019