Name Type Sector Country Joined On
International Group of Academies Academic Not Applicable Italy 16-Jul-2012
illycaffe spa Company Beverages Italy 05-Jul-2012
Palladio Group S.p.A. Company General Industrials Italy 23-May-2012
Treedom Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Italy 01-May-2012
La Molisana S.p.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Food Producers Italy 05-Apr-2012
AVSI Foundation NGO Global Not Applicable Italy 21-Mar-2012
Associazione Valore Business Association Global Not Applicable Italy 19-Mar-2012
ICT Consulting S.p.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Italy 09-Feb-2012
Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change Foundation NGO Local Not Applicable Italy 01-Feb-2012
A2A S.p.A. Company Gas, Water & Multiutilities Italy 30-Jan-2012
Associazione Ambiente e Lavoro (Environment and Work Association) NGO Local Not Applicable Italy 13-Jan-2012
Zannini S.p.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise General Industrials Italy 22-Dec-2011