Name Type Sector Country Joined On
GRC MMC Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Azerbaijan 03-May-2021
American Chamber of Commerce in Azerbaijan (AmCham Azerbaijan) Business Association Local Not Applicable Azerbaijan 01-Mar-2021
Academy of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan Academic Not Applicable Azerbaijan 23-Nov-2020
Innovations Center LLC Company Software & Computer Services Azerbaijan 12-Nov-2020
ABAD Public Legal Entity Public Sector Organization Not Applicable Azerbaijan 12-Feb-2020
SOCAR AQS Company Oil, gas, & coal Azerbaijan 05-Nov-2018
Western University Academic Not Applicable Azerbaijan 18-Aug-2016
Business Group Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Azerbaijan 10-Nov-2015
Legal Analysis and Research Public Union NGO Local Not Applicable Azerbaijan 10-Sep-2014
"Development of Young Engineers" Social Society NGO Local Not Applicable Azerbaijan 03-Sep-2014
Partnership for Economic and Social Initiatives NGO Local Not Applicable Azerbaijan 01-Aug-2013
International Eurasia Press Fund NGO Global Not Applicable Azerbaijan 13-Jun-2013