Name Type Sector Country Joined On
CODIPRO Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Construction & Materials Luxembourg 12-Apr-2016
EFFI Service Company Industrial Support Services France 12-Apr-2016
Sogepark Company Industrial Support Services France 12-Apr-2016
Brau Union Osterreich Company Beverages Austria 12-Apr-2016
Le SIS Groupe Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Diversified France 12-Apr-2016
Beschermde Werkplaats Zottegem Company Industrial Support Services Belgium 12-Apr-2016
Creditinfo Tanzania Limited Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Finance and credit services Tanzania, United Republic of 12-Apr-2016
Fundacion Preventiva del Sida Fernando Iturbide Foundation Not Applicable Guatemala 12-Apr-2016
Thomson Reuters Company Software & Computer Services Canada 12-Apr-2016
Tecana American University Academic Not Applicable United States of America 11-Apr-2016