Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Grant Thornton CJSC Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Finance and credit services Armenia 18-Oct-2006
Vestergaard Sàrl Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Personal Goods Switzerland 16-Oct-2006
Ghana Oil Company Limited Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Oil, gas, & coal Ghana 13-Oct-2006
Grupo Los Grobo (Los Grobo Agropecuaria SA) Company Food Producers Argentina 13-Oct-2006
KBC Group Company Finance and credit services Belgium 06-Oct-2006
Universidad de Malaga Academic Not Applicable Spain 05-Oct-2006
Borusan Holding A.S. Company Industrial Support Services Türkiye 03-Oct-2006
Centrais Electricas de Santa Catarina S.A. - Celesc S.A. Company Electricity Brazil 03-Oct-2006
ManpowerGroup Company Industrial Support Services United States of America 03-Oct-2006
PUMA SE Company Personal Goods Germany 03-Oct-2006