Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Seigakuin University & Schools Academic Not Applicable Japan 19-Apr-2018
RAZEL-BEC Company Construction & Materials France 19-Apr-2018
Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. Company Real Estate Investment Trusts Japan 19-Apr-2018
Tokyo Century Corporation Company Finance and credit services Japan 19-Apr-2018
ILTA Alimentare S.p.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Food Producers Italy 18-Apr-2018
Asociacion Civil Magis para el Desarrollo Humano y la Justicia NGO Local Not Applicable Argentina 17-Apr-2018
AB Trav och Galopp Company Diversified Sweden 17-Apr-2018
Stichting Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen 'Clingendael' Foundation Not Applicable Netherlands 17-Apr-2018
EAST WEST COMPANY SPAIN S.L. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Retailers Spain 17-Apr-2018
Grupo NotreDame Intermedica Company Medical equipment and services; Health care providers Brazil 17-Apr-2018