Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Sociedad Quimica Alemana S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Household Goods & Home Construction Peru 09-Jun-2004
Ferreycorp Company Industrial Support Services Peru 11-May-2004
IPAE Accion Empresarial Business Association Local Not Applicable Peru 11-May-2004
Red de Energia del Peru S.A. Company Electricity Peru 11-May-2004
Socieded Agricola Drokasa S.A. Company Food Producers Peru 11-May-2004
SURA PERU Company Diversified Peru 20-Apr-2004
AFP Union Vida S.A. Company Finance and credit services Peru 20-Apr-2004
America Leasing S.A. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Finance and credit services Peru 20-Apr-2004
Austracorp (Peru) SA Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Retailers Peru 20-Apr-2004
CESCA Group Academic Not Applicable Peru 20-Apr-2004
Compania Minera Erika S.A.C. Company Industrial metals and mining Peru 20-Apr-2004
CONFIEP - National Confederation of Private Business Associations Business Association Local Not Applicable Peru 20-Apr-2004