Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Organizacion Corona S.A. Company Construction & Materials Colombia 19-Sep-2007
Wenzel Elektronik GmbH Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Technology Hardware & Equipment Germany 19-Sep-2007
Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG Company Finance and credit services Austria 13-Sep-2007
Light S.A. Company Electricity Brazil 12-Sep-2007
Fondazione COFIT onlus NGO Local Not Applicable Italy 10-Sep-2007
PARTICIP GmbH Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Industrial Support Services Germany 07-Sep-2007
ESPM Eser Project and Engineering Co. Inc. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Construction & Materials Türkiye 06-Sep-2007
Control Risks Company Industrial Support Services United Kingdom 05-Sep-2007
Palumbo-Donahue School of Business Academic Not Applicable United States of America 05-Sep-2007
Foshan Tongbao Electrical Precision Alloy Co., Ltd Company Industrial materials China 31-Aug-2007
Hana Bank Company Finance and credit services Korea, Republic of 30-Aug-2007
IC Group A/S Company Personal Goods Denmark 30-Aug-2007