Name Type Sector Country Joined On
Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) NGO Local Not Applicable United States of America 23-Jul-2024
Alta Resources Corporation Company Industrial Support Services United States of America 22-Jul-2024
Bio-Techne Company Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology United States of America 17-Jul-2024
Alvarez & Marsal Company Industrial Support Services United States of America 17-Jul-2024
Verifyyed, Inc. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Software & Computer Services United States of America 17-Jul-2024
11th St. Workshop, Inc. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Construction & Materials United States of America 17-Jul-2024
UNA-USA PR CHAPTER INC NGO Local Not Applicable United States of America 15-Jul-2024
AGSAVA, INC. Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Food Producers United States of America 15-Jul-2024
C5MI Insight LLC Small or Medium-sized Enterprise Software & Computer Services United States of America 08-Jul-2024
PC Connection Inc Company Software & Computer Services United States of America 08-Jul-2024