Coca-Cola’s fight against corruption in Myanmar

What was the challenge?

In Myanmar, Coca-Cola adopts a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption in its operations and also for its value chain – including its bottlers.

How was it addressed?

All drivers driving Coca-Cola trucks carry an anti-corruption card on their person, which highlights Coca-Cola’s commitment towards no bribery or facilitation payments. Available in Burmese and English, the anti-corruption card states that the drivers are prohibited from paying any bribes to the traffic police or local road transport authorities. The card clarifies that the drivers will be required to report to the management as any such bribes or facilitation payments will be a violation of anti-corruption laws.

What were the outcomes?

Initially, the drivers met with some resistance and bribes were demanded of them. However, the drivers promptly produced the anti-corruption cards and refused to entertain any demand of bribes or corruption-related payments. With time, the local traffic police started recognizing the Coca-Cola drivers for their established policy against corruption and there was a marked difference in bribery demands.

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