Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
To help SMEs gear up for their exciting journeys in sustainability, Global Compact Network Singapore is pleased to launch its inaugural SME Guide to Corporate Sustainability. The SME Guide shines a spotlight on latest sustainability trends and offers insights on how to adapt. It comes with a 6-step process to get started and useful tools and resources to support business transformation.
Making Global Goals Local Business - Georgia was a platform for business, UN and Government to foster multi-stakeholder dialogues and yield new partnerships. Following the event, Global Compact Local Networks Georgia, Ukraine, Serbia, North Macedonia, Croatia, Russia, Poland and Turkey have collected case studies featuring effort from the private sector to deliver significant cuts in carbon emissions and accelerate the transition to clean energy. This publication co-developed by the Local Networks compiles these examples demonstrating a growing momentum in the region towards net-zero emissions and a green transition in Eastern Europe.
Outlines a set of key actions and recommendations for business leaders and policy makers to accelerate an equitable decarbonization of maritime transport in line with a 1.5°C trajectory. The brief is the outcome of the UN Global Compact "Blue Road to COP 26," a multi-stakeholder work stream to advance ocean-based climate solutions.
This Blueprint lays out six key steps to unlock a climate-smart ocean to meet 1.5 C, from innovative ocean management and human-centred policies, to harnessing blue finance and leveraging the ocean-climate nexus in political processes. The blueprint is the outcome of the UN Global Compact Blue Road to COP 26 multi-stakeholder workstream.
Findings in this data deep dive are based on the Annual Implementation Survey and CEO Study of the UN Global Compact - the world’s most comprehensive insights on business contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals to date. Topic spotlights provide latest insight and reflections on gender equality, LGBTIQ+ protection and systemic racism from business leaders from around the world.
The UN Global Compact Africa Strategy 2021-2023 aims to accelerate and scale the impact of the private sector to drive progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals across the African continent.
Guides companies in implementing the UN Standards of Conduct for Business to tackle discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans, intersex and queer people in the workplace and beyond. The LGBTIQ+ Tool consists of a gap analysis methodology and questionnaire and is supported by a scoring system and recommendations on how to close gaps and strengthen policies, processes and methodologies to ensure LGBTIQ+ inclusivity.
Identifies practices that businesses can implement to advance decent work and improve occupational safety and health (OSH) globally. Co-developed by the United Nations Global Compact and the International Labour Organization, the brief focuses on the role that businesses can play in ensuring safe and healthy workplaces, especially when operating in countries with deficient national safety and health and employment injury protection schemes. It further recognizes the important link between sound OSH practices and effective employment injury insurance schemes: the most desirable mechanisms to protect the incomes of workers who suffer work-related injuries and cover their medical costs.
This factsheet from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), prepared by CDP and the UN Global Compact builds on our Taking the Temperature report ahead of the G7 Summit in June 2021. It finds that across the G20, 4215 companies have disclosed climate targets to CDP but just 20% of these are science-based targets in line with Paris Agreement goals. This is made up of 2999 companies in the G7 and 1216 companies in the G13. In the G7, 25% of targets are science-based, compared to just 6% in the G13.
Positions seaweed, or marine macroalgae, as a significant nature-based climate solution with large scaling potential that can directly sequester carbon and indirectly displace greenhouse gas emissions in numerous ways, with clear economic and ecological co-benefits that make it a form of “charismatic carbon” and a holistic nature-based climate solution. This vision statement is a core deliverable of the UN Global Compact "Blue Road to COP 26."
This guidance builds on existing frameworks such as the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the Sustainable Development Goals, the Women’s Empowerment Principles, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. It explains the role companies can play in contributing to the achievement of the key pillars of the WPS agenda, particularly in relation to women’s economic empowerment in fragile and conflict-affected areas.
The United Nations Global Compact–Accenture CEO Sustainability Study offers a candid look at perspectives of more than 1,230 CEOs across 113 countries and 21 industries at the urgent opportunities and challenges for leaders to address the climate crisis. The full report will be released here on 1 November 2021.