Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
A scenario-based tool for employee training on resisting extortion and solicitation in international transactions.
This brochure present the key findings of the Caring for Climate Series reports.
This publication identifies a range of concrete actions that Governments and international organizations can undertake to better assist private-sector efforts to promote effective conflict-sensitive business practices.
This resource provides an overview of how corporate citizenship links directly to three fundamental functions of boards and their directors’ duties to the companies and shareowners they serve: Protecting stakeholder rights and interests, Managing risk and, Creating long-term business value.
This guidance helps companies to introduce or strengthen existing grievance mechanisms. A rights-compatible mechanism integrates human rights norms and standards into its processes and is based on principles of non-discrimination, equity, accountability, empowerment and participation.
This short document helps explain human trafficking in further detail, outlines the scale of the problem, and describes how businesses may encounter the problem or be implicated.
A fact sheet by the United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking (UN.GIFT) on the issue of human trafficking. The data covers geographic regions, demographics of victims, and the estimated profits made from trafficking.
Summarizes the main discussions and outcomes of the Caring for Climate first meeting of signatories.
Offers a short summary of arguments and information to help companies make the business case against corruption, including key facts and figures
Assist managers in fighting corruption and increasing transparency through presenting a collection of case studies from Africa.
This guide features 37 examples of good practices in seven areas relating to food sustainability and provides suggested actions for businesses and governments to take to contribute in these areas.
A framework outlining different ways in which the private sector can collaborate with UN agencies, funds and programmes to address global challenges.