Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Explores ten companies and how they deal with various human rights issues. Emphasizes the need for cohesive and sometimes over-arching corporate policies on human rights engagement. Fourth volume in the Embedding Human Rights in Business Practices series.
Addresses the opportunities companies have to generate business value; the priority actions that are common across industries; and the key enablers of success.
Framed around the Children’s Rights and Business Principles, this webinar focuses particularly on the relevance these Principles have and the guidance they suggest for business seeking to respect and support children’s rights in their supply chains. The webinar also includes good practice examples from business.
Better Work is a unique partnership programme which aims to improve both compliance with labour standards and promote competitiveness in global supply chains. The programme involves both the development of global tools and the implementation of country-level services. This webinar presents an overview of how Better Work engages managers and workers as part of factory-level assessment, advisory and training services, and will explain how national Project Advisory Committees promote local ownership of improvements in the industry.
Analyzes the complementary role of policymakers and donors in supporting private sector innovations for inclusive and green business models to address challenges in low-income markets in developing and emerging countries.
In recent years, companies have ramped up their efforts in the area of sustainable supply chain management. This Good Practice Note is focused on what businesses can do to better support workers in their supply chain, including through supporting workers’ assertion of their human rights. This Note explores some of the good practices, advantages and pitfalls related to working with suppliers and other stakeholders, especially trade unions, to support workers in the supply chain, including in assertion of their human rights.
This Framework aims to motivate and guide business engagement and action in support of the Secretary-General’s Sustainable Energy for All initiative and seeks to identify where different industries can have the most significant impact.
Reviews the recent history of such partnerships, and makes recommendations for enhancing their effectiveness and scale.
The responsibility to comply with all applicable local, national, regional and international laws is a central tenet of the corporate responsibility to respect human rights. Yet sometimes local or national laws pose requirements that conflict with internationally recognized human rights, thereby making it difficult or impossible for business enterprises to meet their responsibility to respect human rights. The goal of this Good Practice Note is to provide business enterprises with a non-exhaustive set of good practices for addressing situations in which local or national laws appear to conflict with internationally recognized human rights.
Provides guidance for governments, employers’ organizations and trade unions on working together to achieve sustainable economic and social development.
A stocktaking and assessment of existing and emerging water accounting methods and tools being used in the private sector.
Designed to provide information that will inform both how individual companies can respect the human right to water, as well as how the CEO Water Mandate itself can meaningfully contribute to business’ ability to effectively address this issue.