Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
The CEO Water Mandate is a strategic framework for action with recommendations that include production strategies, water-utilization audits and incentive systems for water recycling, the development of a water-sustainability agenda, and inclusion of the GRI guidelines in corporate reporting.
Provides illustrative examples of how companies from a variety of sectors are positively contributing to peace and development in conflict-prone or post-conflict operating environments.
This document outlines contributions made to the MDGs by a group of 22 Global Compact participants from seven countries and reviews the Global Compact principles and their relation with the MDGs.
This report illustrates and surveys how Global Compact companies based in the United Kingdom are contributing to development both in the UK and around the world.
Collaboration between the United Nations and the private sector has become ingrained in the way the United Nations and its Agencies, Funds and Programmes function; but it was not always this way. The report charts the evolution of UN-business engagement since 2000.
The report summarizes the discussions and outcomes of the summit on the theme of building an era of sustainability.
The Blueprint is a model for leadership within the Global Compact, designed to inspire advanced performers to reach the next level of sustainability performance. It identifies criteria for leadership practice in three distinct but overlapping dimensions: (i) integrating the ten principles into strategies and operations; (ii) taking action in support of broader UN goals and issues; and (iii) engaging with the UN Global Compact; as well as cross-cutting components.
Provides an overview of CEO perspectives on progress to date, challenges ahead and the journey towards a sustainable economy.
A practical yet comprehensive tool to help companies evolve their sustainability efforts. Comprised of six management steps, it guides companies of all sizes through the process of formally committing to, assessing, defining, implementing, measuring and communicating a corporate sustainability strategy. The model draws on widely accepted and understood management practices, and is designed to maximize corporate sustainability performance.
Advances understanding of Boardroom engagement in environmental, social and governance issues and provides a roadmap for how companies can better integrate oversight of these issues into the Board agenda.
Reports on trends and policy options regarding the role of Governments in promoting corporate sustainability and engaging the private sector in achieving the MDGs.
The tool enables companies to diagnose their performance across all four issue areas, inspire continuous improvement, and assist in the development of a Communication on Progress.