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Report from a multi-stakeholder meeting convened on 11 December 2014 to highlight successful interventions by business in support of Ebola response, identify lessons learned, and explore how success can be replicated. The Report outlines the role of business in long-term regional recovery, and considers how to foster more effective collaboration across sectors to face future global public health challenges.
Integrating human rights considerations into corporate crisis management is one way that companies can seek to identify, prevent and address adverse impacts. Some companies are broadening their crisis management policies and procedures to explicitly address adverse human rights impacts, consistent with the UN Global Compact Principles and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This Good Practice Note identifies five good practices for integrating human rights considerations into crisis planning, the first phase of effective crisis management. Note: Human rights considerations during the subsequent phases of crisis response and recovery are beyond the scope of this note.
Business has much to gain from more inclusive economic prosperity, through access to new markets, unleashing more innovation, and greater social stability so necessary for markets to function. Conversely, business has much to lose from an economy that fails to capitalize fully on human capital, constricts markets, and experiences sluggish demand. This working paper introduces BSR’s perspective on the business role in creating inclusive prosperity.
Presents examples of how business associations can and are contributing to sustainable development. This collection of case examples demonstrates how business associations can help their members advance sustainable development through information and knowledge diffusion; capacity building and education; technical standards and specifications; policy advocacy and public affairs; and fostering and brokering partnerships.
This paper explores the linkages between gender equality, corporate sustainability and sustainable development, and provides concrete examples of how companies are placing women's empowerment at the heart of croporate sustainability initiatives to ensure that they reach their intended mark
Demonstrates how companies can help to advance the SDGs by operating responsibly in alignment with universal principles and finding opportunities to innovate to address societal challenges. Through a commitment to the UN Global Compact, companies are taking the first step to contribute to achieving the SDGs and have access to a range of tools to scale up their efforts.
Seeks to advance the discussion on how the private sector can make positive contributions to peace in conflict-affected and high-risk areas around the world and, as a result, help to the realization of SDG16. This document complements existing materials such as the UN Global Compact’s Guidance on Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas with a new perspective on deliberate contributions to peace by companies.
An assessment tool that enables companies and civil society partners to understand corporate impacts on multi-dimensional poverty. As a tool to help implement the SDGs, the Poverty Footprint provides a comprehensive overview of factors that influence poverty, and it emphasizes stakeholder engagement and partnership between companies and civil society as a means for establishing pro-poor business strategies.
Fostering women’s entrepreneurship is critical to achieving sustainable businesses, economic growth and to meet current and future sustainable development goals and targets. By leveraging the talents, skills and innovation of women entrepreneurs, women can bring needed action to global challenges such as climate change and water scarcity. This resource provides an overview of considerations for companies to support women entrepreneurs as well as examples of steps some companies are already undertaking.
Empowering women to participate in full and productive employment is essential to expand economic growth, promote social and sustainable development and enhance business performance. However, the positive impacts of women-focused employment practices on firms, communities and the economy are often under appreciated. Co-hosted by the UN Global Compact, the International Finance Corporation, and the International Labour Organization, this webinar presents the latest research on the business case for gender diversity in the workplace. The discussions highlight the key challenges and opportunities for advancing women’s employment and retention and present key engagement opportunities to further promote gender equality including the Women's Empowerment Principles and WINvest.
The time is right for companies around the world to demonstrate leadership on climate action by aligning corporate voluntary greenhouse gas reduction targets with climate science. Leading companies are taking action to mitigate climate-related risks and capture the economic opportunities from a low-carbon transition. This executive brochure captures why and how your company can align with science based targets.
The examples in this publication offer an important step forward in providing companies with guidance on why and how they can make practical contributions in this area – in ways benefitting both their business and the societies where they operate.