Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
The Arc builds upon the Sphere of Influence concept and is designed to allow companies to focus their resources on the most urgent human rights issues in their operations.
The second edition of this Guide offers practical guidance to companies wanting to take a proactive approach to human rights within their business operations The second edition of this Guide offers practical guidance to companies wanting to take a proactive approach to human rights within their business operations.
These principles guide companies in maintaining the safety and security of their operations within an operating framework that ensures respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
The third volume in the Embedding Human Rights in Business Practices series explores eight companies and how they deal with various human rights issues.
Dealing specifically with the design and implementation of grievance mechanisms, this publication addresses principles and issues that companies of any type or size may have to address when engaging in dialogue with affected communities.
This report is designed to aid companies in adapting internal integrated conflict management (ICM) programmes for use to engage with external stakeholders.
This guidance material provides recommendations for companies engaged in private sector projects. It is directed toward project staff conducting due diligence, supervision, or monitoring of labour aspects at the operational level.
Gives CSR managers and others practical guidance on how to embed gender equality into sustainability reporting under the GRI Sustainability Reporting Framework.
This resource provides an overview of how corporate citizenship links directly to three fundamental functions of boards and their directors’ duties to the companies and shareowners they serve: Protecting stakeholder rights and interests, Managing risk and, Creating long-term business value.
This guidance note is meant to advise companies, IFC and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) experts, consultants, and other stakeholders who, due to the nature of their business, must address issues of worker housing.
This report identifies ways that can help companies address the cross-cultural issues facing their business and contribute to intercultural understanding in ways that benefit business and society.
This study assesses the importance of climate change to financial investors, it impact on competitive advantage in established industries and the opportunities created as new industries develop.