Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Strategic investment in healthy business pays dividends. Executives and managers can take action in their organizations to transform their company into a healthy business. This toolkit is a go-to resource for business leaders to create value by improving the health of consumers, communities, and employees. Today, there is no clearly defined path for companies seeking to enable long-term improvements in the health and well-being of their communities.
This brief expands the business case for private sector investment in women's health and empowerment and sets out concrete actions that the private sector can take to generate improved health outcomes for women.
As an easy-to-access and use tool, it offers business the ability to explore, assess, value and respond to water risk and identify contextually appropriate solutions to advance SDG6 in particular.
Introduces a mapping exercise that demonstrates how uneven the governance landscape is across the industries that populate this frontier. Six industries are considered: international shipping, offshore oil and gas, offshore renewable energy, marine aquaculture, marine fisheries and seabed mining. While some, such as maritime shipping, have well-established and extensive governance structures encompassing a wide breadth of public and private sector actors, others like the seabed mining industry are still in a state of emergence.
A call to action to business leaders to align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This report shows how the next decade will be critical for companies to open 60 key market “hot spots,” tackle social, environmental challenges, and re-build trust with society.
Showcases industry-specific examples and ideas for corporate action related to the SDGs. Presented in a series of publications, each matrix will highlight bold pursuits and decisions made by diverse companies for each SDG.
Identifies and ranks 15 sustainability opportunities according to public and private sector interest and potential impact on societies and business. The report aims to demonstrate how global sustainability challenges and risks can be seen as opportunities. The 2017 reports stems from a survey of 5,499 business, governmental and social leaders across five continents.
Business leaders identify the youth employment crisis as one of the most pressing global risks of our time, but also see investing in youth as one of the greatest potentials for business growth and development. There are more young people today than at any other time in history, approximately 1.8 billion, and half are women. These young people are breaking through stereotypes and creating innovative, concrete solutions to long-standing problems. Yet, although young people are creating these sustainable solutions, there is a disconnect with the formal labour force. Over the last year, youth unemployment rates have increased and the disparity in labour force participation between young women and men has widened. This webinar, co-hosted by the UN Global Compact, UN Women and Plan International, highlights the opportunity and need for business to scale up action and invest in the future workforce to create economic opportunities for young women around the world, produce bottom line impacts on business growth and sustainability, and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Authored by Georg Kell the founding Executive Director of the UN Global Compact, this peer-reviewed article is the opening chapter for engagement of "non state actors". The Handbook examines practical aspects and conceptual issues of international organizations and their relationship with nation-states and international authority; considers the main controversies surrounding contemporary international organizations; provides an authoritative overview of international organizations written by leading scholars and practitioners; and offers comprehensive analysis and commentary on the role of international organizations today.
This webinar recording discusses various aspects of promoting transparency in Beneficial Ownership and how it can help businesses.
This Guide aims to help Global Compact Local Networks get involved in their country's development of a National Action Plan on business and Human Rights. It provides basic information about National Action Plans, discusses the countries that have or are in the process of developing them, sets out the various opportunities available to Local Networks to get engaged, and lists additional resources that can be referred to for more information.
More than 20 million people in North-East Nigeria, South Sudan, Yemen and Somalia are facing famine or a credible risk of famine over the coming six months. Some 1.4 million children are currently at imminent risk of death from malnutrition. To avert a major humanitarian catastrophe the United Nations and its partners must massively scale up efforts now. To do this, humanitarian operations in the four countries require more than US$5.6 billion in 2017, of which at least US$4.4 billion are required urgently.