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Identifies good practices that businesses can use to prevent and mitigate risks of being involved with adverse human rights impacts due to operating in a context of high levels of violent crime, and to support efforts to reduce the human rights impacts of violent crime rates in the areas where it operates.
The Child Labour Platform (CLP), a business-led, cross sectoral forum for exchange and collaboration to tackle child labour in supply chains, holds a webinar for its members and those of the UN Global Compact Human Rights and Labour Working Group. The discussion, Decent Work in Global Supply Chains, identifies the key topics of debate among the Committee members and assesses the implications of the Committee’s far reaching conclusions for the ILO’s current and future work related to GSCs.
This summary table highlights the human rights dimension of each Sustainable Development Goal, by indicating the relevant international human rights instrument that applies.
Illustrates the philosophical and practical connections between the UN Global Compact Ten Principles and the Sustainable Development Goals. This white paper draws an important philosophical line in the sand in relation to the crucial importance of principles, especially the UN Global Compact Ten Principles. We welcome your input.
Provides an overview on how to do business with respect for childrens right to be free from child labour. The guidelines aim to improve global supply chain governance, due diligence and remediation processes to advance the progressive elimination of child labour.
The ‘5 x 5 stepping stones’ presented in this handbook have been developed based on the stories and strategies of NGOs, unions and child labour free zone members worldwide. The handbook shows that - in spite of poverty - it is really possible to get children out of work and into school. It can be used by community-based organisations, NGOs and unions, but is also insightful for companies and policymakers who want to learn about this innovative approach to stopping child labour.
ILO experts on skills and employability explore the contribution of enterprises to building a skilled workforce in their countries of operation. The discussion focuses on common challenges companies face in developing and implementing a skills and employability policy and practical examples of private sector engagement in skills systems.
Business has much to gain from more inclusive economic prosperity, through access to new markets, unleashing more innovation, and greater social stability so necessary for markets to function. Conversely, business has much to lose from an economy that fails to capitalize fully on human capital, constricts markets, and experiences sluggish demand. This working paper introduces BSR’s perspective on the business role in creating inclusive prosperity.
Learn about how companies in the UN Global Compact are taking action to advance corporate sustainability around the world.
Features companies who have made a commitment to changing education; however, none of them acted alone. All have worked with numerous partners to maximize the impact of their investments. These examples are intended to initiate conversation between stakeholders with shared goals to better understand how to work together. By working collaboratively to assess needs and implement activities, investments in education by the business community can be better coordinated, have a greater impact and make a larger contribution to achieving the 2030 education targets.
Calls upon Governments to bring down legal barriers restricting economic opportunities for women, and by doing so, help create an enabling environment for inclusive economic growth. Open for membership-based organizations to add their logo in support.
Provides an overview of the current and potential role of institutional investors, companies, banks and foundations in the design and implementation of a financing strategy for global sustainability.