Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Assists companies in responsible water policy engagement, providing core principles, strategies, and operational practices.
This report illustrates and surveys how Global Compact companies based in the United Kingdom are contributing to development both in the UK and around the world.
Presents case studies of companies that have adhered to the SA8000 standard as a way to advance their commitment to the Global Compact.
This resource provides an overview of how corporate citizenship links directly to three fundamental functions of boards and their directors’ duties to the companies and shareowners they serve: Protecting stakeholder rights and interests, Managing risk and, Creating long-term business value.
Dealing specifically with the design and implementation of grievance mechanisms, this publication addresses principles and issues that companies of any type or size may have to address when engaging in dialogue with affected communities.
This guidance note is meant to advise companies, IFC and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) experts, consultants, and other stakeholders who, due to the nature of their business, must address issues of worker housing.
This report examines the challenges faced by the global alliance against forced labour. It demonstrates how these challenges are met through a combination of best practices, law enforcement and prevention mechanisms.
This study evaluates actual time series of energy efficiency and carbon emissions taken from public reports of Caring for Climate signatories (COPs and CDP reports) in order to get a picture of progress and measuring methodologies used.
Focuses on the economic rationale for collective action by investors on carbon disclosure, investment choices and policy engagement. The report also maps policy options that reduce investor's risks.
This guidance material provides recommendations for companies engaged in private sector projects. It is directed toward project staff conducting due diligence, supervision, or monitoring of labour aspects at the operational level.
This report analyzes the degree to which government efforts to stimulate the economy are also consistent with the shift to a low carbon economy, examining stimulus packages and budgets in over 30 countries across the world.
This publication identifies a range of concrete actions that Governments and international organizations can undertake to better assist private-sector efforts to promote effective conflict-sensitive business practices.