Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
Provides short and practical guidance to companies on managing anti-corruption in the supply chain. Includes specific company examples and other useful resources on this topic. Developed by the Anti-Corruption Task Force of the Advisory Group on Supply Chain Sustainability.
Companies and investors alike have been paying increasing attention to the business case for having robust diversity and gender equality policies and practices. This webinar brings together Global Compact participants and signatories of Principles for Responsible Investment to take stock of the growth and impact of the Women's Empowerment Principles initiative to date. To highlight the investment opportunity of gender equity, Catalyst, a leading nonporfit organization working to expand opportunities for women and business, presents research that supports the business case and Pax World Investments and Calvert Investments, investment management companies, discuss how the investor community can help advance gender equality and women's empowerment by encouraging companies to embrace the WEPs.
Helps companies engage in sport sponsorship and hospitality in a transparent and ethical manner and aims to enhance the potential for sports to be a powerful tool to support peace, human dignity, and a culture of ethics and fair-play. Developed by a special task force of the Anti-Corruption Working Group following a public consultation process.
Seeks to provide a practical, step-by-step guidance on how to conduct an anti-corruption risk assessment. Includes a six-step process to complete the assessment: establish the process, identify the risks, rate the risks, identify mitigating controls, calculate remaining residual risk and develop an action plan.
Framed around the Children’s Rights and Business Principles, this webinar focuses particularly on the relevance these Principles have and the guidance they suggest for business seeking to respect and support children’s rights in their supply chains. The webinar also includes good practice examples from business.
Experts from the ILO’s International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour discuss research on global trends in the realization of this fundamental human right, including an analysis of important developments in the business contribution to the elimination of child labour.
This webinar discussed the inclusion of workers with disabilities in the workplace. Participants were introduced to the ILO Global Business and Disability Network, and learned how the ILO Code of Practice for Managing Disability in the Workplace can serve as a guide for their disability inclusion policies and efforts. This was an updated presentation of the June 2011 webinar and was scheduled for participants in the Asia region.
Better Work is a unique partnership programme which aims to improve both compliance with labour standards and promote competitiveness in global supply chains. The programme involves both the development of global tools and the implementation of country-level services. This webinar presents an overview of how Better Work engages managers and workers as part of factory-level assessment, advisory and training services, and will explain how national Project Advisory Committees promote local ownership of improvements in the industry.
This Tool is designed to enhance the capabilities of companies in managing human rights issues and impacts in their business operations through providing awareness training on human rights issues relevant to employees, suppliers/contractors, provision of security, and community engagement.
In recent years, companies have ramped up their efforts in the area of sustainable supply chain management. This Good Practice Note is focused on what businesses can do to better support workers in their supply chain, including through supporting workers’ assertion of their human rights. This Note explores some of the good practices, advantages and pitfalls related to working with suppliers and other stakeholders, especially trade unions, to support workers in the supply chain, including in assertion of their human rights.
The ILO Sustainable Enterprise Programme helps to create more and better jobs through enterprise development.
The first comprehensive set of principles to guide companies on the full range of actions they can take in the workplace, marketplace and community to respect and support children’s rights.