Designed to help you find the resources you need to take the next step on your sustainability journey.
The CFO Principles supplement the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles to support companies in the transition to sustainable development and to leverage corporate finance and investments toward the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This publication presents the approach through which the ten SDG Ambition benchmarks can be integrated into core business processes and systems to enable effective measurement & management of sustainability performance. Business leaders can use this publication to identify the system opportunities to integrate the SDGs into core business processes.
This publication establishes the initial set of SDG Ambition benchmarks that challenge organizations to set more ambitious goals and targets in the areas in which business is positioned to have a substantial impact. Business leaders can use this document to support their strategy and set goals ambitious enough to deliver the SDGs by 2030.
Financial institutions are the key to unlocking the system-wide change needed to reach net-zero emissions and limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial temperatures. The Science Based Targets initiative’s new framework allows financial institutions – including banks, investors, insurance companies, pension funds and others – to set science-based targets to align their lending and investment activities with the Paris Agreement.
The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has launched a process to develop the first science-based global standard for corporate net-zero target setting, to ensure that companies’ net-zero targets translate into action that is consistent with achieving a net-zero world by no later than 2050. The paper lays out the conceptual foundations for corporate net-zero target setting, including clarity on what it means for companies to reach net-zero emissions, analysis of existing net-zero target setting practices, assessment of strategies that are consistent with achieving a net-zero economy, and initial recommendations for science-based net-zero goals. The conceptual foundations discussed in the paper will be translated into detailed guidelines and criteria to be developed by the initiative as part of a continued multi-stakeholder process.
How to Understand and Take Action on the Global Goals’ is an interactive, 30-minute e-learning course designed for professionals at all levels to learn more about integrating the Global Goals and sustainability into the business world. On the course, you’ll learn to: Understand the 17 Global Goals and the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact Take four practical steps to make a meaningful, long-lasting contribution to the Global Goals in your business
Identifies opportunities for blue bonds to secure funding for ocean-related projects and companies that contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The guidance outlines a number of pillars of best practices, as well as benchmarks and frameworks for companies interested in issuing a blue bond aligned with a sustainability strategy to advance a healthy, productive ocean
Guides employers in implementing family-friendly policies that support parents and caregivers in their own operations and using their influence and leverage to promote such policies among business partners and within their supply chains. Conditions of employment not only have a significant impact on the well-being of workers but also their children and families. Yet, for the hundreds of millions of workers in global supply chains, basic entitlements that provide them with the time, services and resources to support their families are widely absent. The large-scale business disruptions and the socioeconomic crisis resulting from COVID-19 have exacerbated the situation. Now, more than ever, family-friendly policies and practices are needed to support workers and their families during the crisis and beyond.
This collection of case studies and business guidelines, compiled by Global Compact Local Networks across Africa, highlights how business and other partners are working to advance gender equality. Including company examples, as well as key resources and relevant gender-equality activities taking place at regional and local levels, this report hopes to inspire and challenge more companies to move from commitment to action and to play a leading role in ensuring that gender equality means business.
Through the Target Gender Equality Newsletter, stories of action and impact across the globe are shared, featuring Global Compact companies and the individuals that are driving change within their organizations and beyond. The Newsletter also showcases the work of our Target Gender Equality Global Coalition member organizations that can further support business in advancing progress on gender equality. Sign up to future newsletter here.
Gender equality is both a fundamental human right and a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Yet, at the current rate of progress, it will take over 10 generations to close the economic gender gap. This 30-minute e-learning course will help you understand the role of business in advancing gender equality and the concrete steps that all companies can take to help accelerate the pace of change. By completing this session and related learning materials, you will learn: Why gender equality and women’s empowerment is a prerequisite to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. How your company can contribute to the achievement of SDG 5. How to build the business case for gender equality in your company. How the Women’s Empowerment Principles and other key frameworks, Tools and resources can support your business. -Concrete steps that your business can take to mainstream gender equality into strategy and operations.
Prepared in close cooperation with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), the session aims at breaking down and illustrating the complexities around science-based targets (SBTs), introducing the initiative and showcasing the benefits of setting SBTs. Science-based targets provide companies with a clearly defined pathway to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, helping prevent the worst impacts of climate change and future-proof business growth. In light of the latest climate science, the UN Global Compact calls on all companies to set their science-based targets with 1.5°C pathways and reach net-zero emissions by no later than 2050. This Academy e-learning course will guide you in the process of setting a science-based target in support of a net-zero future. It will also offer an opportunity to hear from other companies about why they think setting science-based targets makes good business sense.